Can you teach another person to ride a horse?
When Mr. M met me for almost 3 years ago, I don't think that he would have thought that he would have a horse. Nor that he would have ridden a horse..
So Mr. M really wasen't a horse person when we first met. Miss G changed that though. Slowly he got more used to horses and found a favorite, who so happen to be my favourite (miss G). But with that came the day, that he would sit on a horse too. He has been on a horse a handful of times and he's actually quit good. Kind of annoying but also good, because I blame myself for being a good teacher ;)
I never really thought that I was good enough for teaching others. Never really had that kind of confident. But with the teaching of Mr. M, I actually like it! I know I can't teach a Gran prix level, but I can teach people who haven't got a lot of experince on a horse. I know a lot of people would learn newbies, that you pull one rein to turn and both to stop a horse. I on the other hand tried to learn Mr. M the more correct way of stopping and turning, then just pulling a rein. Why not teach the basics on a prober way and be confident in them, before going to a next level?
Alot of people just learn to ride on a quick way, but doesn't have the basics to go further. Or maybe not good enough. I feel like some people, when teaching just want to stress and push the rider to a level they are not ready for! Am I the only way feeling like this?!
Like I said, I much rather prefer to teach the basic correct from the start, so you can take it with you, when you go to a next level. A newbie maybe, going from walk to trot. Or someone in a level in a higher scale trying to learn something new. This is what I really want people to do. Yes you maybe will stay in one level for much longer than others do, but maybe you and your horse would be more confident when going to a show and the horse would be more stabil?
But one thing I also want to say, is that people have different ways of teaching. Sometimes ones teaching does not suite you, then you have to say no to that person, because you don't feel compfy with their way of training. I also want you to know, that's it's okay to say "no thank you" to something you're not feeling good about.
Just like the other day, when I was riding Miss G. Another girl from the stable was riding her horse at the same time. when I was nearly done, she asked me, if I wanted some advice. You know I'm always up for a some help! So she told me how to hold my hands so Miss G would maybe be better. Normally I hold them quit low, because that's what I been told from the person who taught me a couple of times. But she said that I should try to hold them really high and yes I would feel stupid holding them like this, but I would not lock my arms and get a hard hand, which makes Miss G really hard in her mouth. You know what? I never really thought about this!
But because she is also one who thinks about things and how you can do things differently, She told me to do this next time I ride Miss G and this is what I like about people who teach! Good teachers try to think differently, because they know that the simple formular doesn't always work for every horse on the planet! So have a think about that! Talk to you later!
Love Maggie ❤
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