Help me to survive!


Wow when you breake something, you really find out, what and who wants to help you... 

So you know we all know we have to have some money, in being able to pay for things. Those things being bills, rent, food and so on. The thing is, I recently found out, that I wasen't a worker who was going to be there full time, but i'm only a substitute. Yes looking in hindsite I should probarbly have known this, but I didn't until I broke my wrist... "how could you not have known that you were a substitute and not a full time worker!".  When I went to my interview, I was told I wouls have certain hours a week. I would also get a contract. I haven't got any of those and that's why I can't prove it. So yes it really is a great time at the moment... 

Because I live in Denmark, then I should probably get some money easily right? You know we have system here, that works in the people's favour. Yeah... except it doesn't. Yes I know I might have broken your dreams and ideals about this Country! Sadly they have a lot of rules and anyone who have been in this system or have been  in it for a long or longer period of time, knows that all they do, is not trying to help you! Sad but true! 

I thought I couldn't get any money, still don't know if I can, because I have to go to a meeting on monday, before I know, if I can get some money. But I know the I would get, really isen't that much and I will get them after the end of the month, which also means, there has to be a delay in everything called bills. Because I haven't been a member long enough of something, which would have helped me, I can't get money from them. I tried other ways and talked with a lot of people yesterday. Some who maybe had a bad day, or really hard at understandig what I needed and kept going on about the same thing, eventhough I said I couldn't ( several times!)

That's why I'm asking you guys for help! The thing is I can't get any money.. I'd worked there, for a week before this happend. If I should be able to get some money from the system, I should have worked there (at my new job) for a long period of time. Does that make any sense? No not really! But that's how it is!

The help i'm asking for is, yes  about money. I haven't got any money to pay any bills ect. and I know you might say "you should gave had a savings account for this!" and yes I have that! But when the system tricked more than twice, not a lot of those money are left. I don't mean to use bad language, but I'm f*cked! That's all I can say.. I'm going bankrupt and homeless, unless I somehow on some kind of magical way, get some money, to live for! I'm not going to use money on useless things. Okay maybe on  a new pair of cheap shoes, that are not so slippery you fall and break your wrist. We all know how that ends.. 

So now to the help! I have set up an Gofundme, that people can donate to. I'm not asking for a 100.000 -DK. Not at all! Only so much, that I have something to pay my bills, rent ect. for. I know things are difficult at the moment and I know people might say this is really selfish. You know what?! You're right! But I just want to live, not being homeless! I'm not asking you to donate a lot of money! Just a little spare. That all! 🙏 I will be forever grateful for anyone who donate! Love you all! 

Love Maggie ❤ 

The link to my Gofundme: My Gofundme - Help me to survive 


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