Moving day for Miss G
Sorry you guys, I havn't updated you in a while now.. well a lot has happens, so let's get started on that!
About two weeks ago, I had to move Miss G to a different stable. There where no problems with the owners of the stable or me. Sadly the stable owner is very sick and havn't got the energy to have other horses than her own and one other. Here in my country, you have to have a minimum of two horses together, or else it's illigal. So me and one other had to move our horses. Again: I have nothing against their desicion. I actually think it's a good idea. In times like that, the best thing you can do, is to focus on yourself and your family! If you have to cut some things out, I totally understand!
Anyway, so me and my boyfriend had to move Miss G. Now this was not the easiest task, since everyone we asked, and I mean EVERYONE, couldn't drive her. My boyfriends car can't pull a trailer (not even a normal trailer for gardening), so that was not an option. BUT! I have the best inlaws! Now I know someone would say "no my inlaws are the best" but, would your father inlaw offer to drive your horse, if we could borrow a trailer from somewhere?! Eventhough he has NEVER driven with a horse trailer, nor a horse trailer AND a horse in it?!! Therefor: I have the best family inlaw EVER!
The day before we were going to move her, my mom, dad and twin sister came to help, with moving my things from the old stable. You really figure out just how many things you have, when you move your horse! So their car and trailer were fully packed with my things. We couldn't even have all of the things! Then we drove to the new stable. It's alot closer to where me and my boyfriend live, so that is really nice, that I don't have to ride my bike for an hour to get to the stable. Now it's only like 15 minutes.
At the new stable we took all of my things out from the car and trailer and put in in the new stable. Then we got some lunch, cause you get really hungry after moving all of those things! Then me and my dad drove to a buildingmarked close by the new stable, cause I had to get some shavings for the stall. My dad was actually a great helper! He helped to get the shavings all over the stall. I only had to do a little. My boyfriend came to pick me up from the stable later that day. Honestly I could easily have walked home, but I think he really wanted to see how it all turned out.
The next day was the big day for my horse! My boyfriend and I droved home to his dad, so him and me could drive to where we were going to borow their trailer. We loaded it on his car, checked if the lights worked (remember to always do this!) and drove to the old stable. Man! My father inlaw was really good and cool with backing the trailer up! I was so impressed!
My boyfriend was already there and had made some chamomile tea for Miss G. A little trick if you have a nervous or stressed horse, Then give them some food with chamomile in it, like tea. It really helps with calming them down! We got the last things loaded in the car and waited for Miss G to eat all of her food with the tea. Then we loaded her. But even before we got her in the stable from her field, she was standing not far away from the door to the field/stable. It was like she had waited for us. When she saw the trailer, she a little nervous. But I just had one goal in mind! DO NOT STRESS! If you stress, then the horse stress. So we just took it nice and easy.
But she was actually quit quick to load. She only took a few breaks a couple of times, but then went fully in. I could tell she was still quit nervous, so I just tried to calm her down a bit. When she did that, we close the door and my father inlaw and me drove to the new stable. My boyfriend stayed behind to muck the old stall out. We did save some of the shavings for the others (the best part of it), so they could use it for their stalls for their horses.
When we got to the new stable, Miss G took it quit easy. Just looked out of her window and tried getting used to her new suroundings. It seemed like she was really calm, so we drove down to the place we borrowed the trailer from, to unload it and the drove to the old stable. Then me and my boyfriend would drive to the new stable to check on Miss G. She got some food with some more chamomile tea in it and then we were off again.
We had to get some hay for Miss G, because the haylage we were going to get earlier that morning, but we couldn't, because the farmer who were surposed to deliver it, couldn't that day, even though he said he could and would do it the next day (but actually he would deliver it SEVERAL days later.. ). So me and my boyfriend drove to his father, to borrow his car and trailer to get some hay for Miss G. When we got there, two young men were getting the hay I had orded out. It was really good quality and Miss G looooooves it! So that is defenitly where we will get more hay from!
When we got to the new stable, we unloaded it from the trailer and car. We had to put it in the hayloft over the stable. First we tried to tie it and then pull it up, but we quickly changed strategy and pulled it up the ladder. When we got home, we were both really tired and basically we just had something to eat and then went to bed early in the evening.
Love Maggie ❤
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