You're only human!

 Do you know the feeling, when you're just super tired and you still have to go to the stable, because you have a horse, eventhough the thing you want to do the most is just to lay in bed, under the duvet and watch Netflix?

Well I was having that kind of day. The last couple of days, it has been easter, therefore Mr. M and me, had spent the day before today, with his family. It was a super fun day, with a ton of food. But I was just really tired, so I didn't have much energy to be really social. I am defenitely an introvert! Don't get me wrong! I love my family inlaw, but it just takes a lot of my energy, to be social with people. Even with my own family, I feel like this (and so does most of my family I think). I had also a couple of days earlier spent some days with my parents. Two of my sisters were also there. So it was just a lot of people and a lot of things going on. I had saturday "off" from any kind of family, only Mr. M was here and I also got to have a little ride on Miss G, which was really nice. 

So sunday was family day with food and food and food and then some more food. I got some pain in my stomach throughout the day, so that did not make things any easier for me! At about 8 o'clock I said to Mr. M that I would really like to go home, because I was in a lot of pain! So when we got home I just went to bed really early. I fell asleep pretty fast. When I woke up the next morning (today) I was so exhausted! But today was a new and exciting day, because today was my first day at my new job. It was a very fun day with a lot of new people and things I had to remember. I didn't have a lot to eat, so I was just even more exhausted when I got home. But I still had Miss G to take care of. So I just had a bit to eat and then I went to the stable. 

We have just changed which field Miss G is on, since the other horses at the old field, were really mean to her. Now I think she kinda likes it more on this field, with some other horses, that's not that mean to her. Well there is one mare and Miss G is of course another mare, so those two have had to fight a little bit, but not that much like the other horses. So everything got ready for her when it was time for them to go in. 

Anyway the thing I wanted with this post, was that eventhough you are so tired, You still have an responsiblity for something. Yes it takes a lot of time with horses, but in the end, don't you think it's worth it? Yes I mean there are days, where all I want to do is to cuddle up on the sofa and just lay there, while watching really bad reality tv, while eating candy. You know? I think we all have those kind of days and its okay! When we have had a really long day, it's okay to say " man I really don't want to go!" It's not because you're a bad horse owner, but just remember: You are a human too and humans needs to have some rest! Just like the horses do inbetween training! 

I hope this will help just a little bit and then I'll talk to you later 

love Maggie ❤


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