Do you have your stories right?
In addition to my last post (read it here) I wanted to talk about something. This is something I have learned throughout my life. Yes I know I have only been on this earth for 28 years, but personally, I feel like it's much more.
So a short recap from that post:
Mr. M and me are sort of on a break. Hopefully not for long and (hopefully) not one where we will find another partner. We have promised this to each other. It's also not going to be like the tv-show "friends" if you know what I mean?! Well at least not from my part (eventhough we also have promised this to eachother). So right now I'm at my parents house, while I'm trying to sort things out and finding out what I want or rather what Mr. M want, because I know what I want!
But one thing I want to talk about, about all of this, and if other people maybe are in a similar situation, then we can posibly learn from each other; is that you or your partner has probably told their side of it all to one person or more. This person or people are probably someone who's close to them. This is a naturel thing to do so! It's a good idea to get a second opinion on something, that you can't solve your self. The thing is it can also be a problem!
If the person you or your partner has confifed to only talk to you/them, then they will only hear one side of the story. They won't hear what the other person has to tell in all of this. Therefore the person is being coloured by one side and will probably make an opinion on this based on that one side. Often they would take parting in that person and kind of judge the other person in this kind of story, in a way that maybe isn't true. I'm not saying that it isn't true at all! What I'm saying is that, you can't judge something based on one side of the story.
You kind of have to think like you're being in court. If the judge only heard one side of that story, then maybe one person will be judged against something they haven't really done? That's why you need to hear both parties and witnesess, if there are any! Otherwise you can't really make an judgement on something, you don't really know anything about or maybe only have heard one side of it all!
So back to me and Mr. M for a bit. Because I feel like this is what has happend. A couple of days ago I was with Mr. M and some other people to a event. I felt like they had had really tough time talking to/with me and didn't really want to look at me either. So you know, I just kept myself in the background, but in reality I wanted to break down and cry. Like really wanted to cry! I was trying to hold back my tears so much! I felt really uncomfortable in this. I know I probably seemed like I was kind of disstant, but in reality I was just trying to hold myself together and I was STRUGGLEING!
First of all I just want to say, that I don't think these people are bad people! I respect them really much and think that they are great people! Just so we are clear. The thing is, I do think that these people has been coloured by Mr. M. Again I do not blame them at all! But I think they had a hard time talking with me, because they have only heard Mr. M's stories. Never really my side on all of this and that's why I think, they found it differcult.
Like I said in the last post, I am not without guilt. I have been acting really nasty towards Mr. M. But he is not without guilt either. I feel like he has not behaved very nicely towards me and of course I'm going to react to this. I am only human you know! I get hurt by it, just like he does, when I don't behave! I also think it's really hard, when you get other people's judgement based on something that's not really true or only partly true. Again how can you make a proper judgement, if you haven't got all of the facts right!?
So that my friends, is todays post. Hope you liked it. Talk to you later
Love Maggie ❤
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