High value vs. Low value

As you know, on this healing journey of mine, I've learned a lot! Both about myself, but also about other people. I've learned a lot about the sort of people, I want to spend my time and energy on. I've realised alot of the people, I surrounded myself with earlier, did not fit the energy I want to have and have. 

It's the kinda High Value vs. Low Value woman/man. I'm going to talk from a HV womans  point of view in this blogpost. The low value is sadly what most people are, because it's firstly indoctrinated in us from the government and schools. This type of people, will most likely listen to and gossip alot about others. Never really realizing, that a lot of the problems they have in life, is caused by themselves. They are in a low frequency, meaning in order for them to raise themselves, they believe, that they have to put other people lower or down. When in reality it's the other way around. 

Personally I feel like I am mostly a HV woman. Yes I still have some tendensies to the low value, but then I realize, that I'm not in the frequency I want to be in, and I realize my mistake or what I did wrong and try to change after that. This is what HV women do! If you realize you made a mistake, you take the blame for your own mistake and try to change and make things better from there. It's firstly taking responsibility for yourself and your wrong doing.

A HV woman, will also set boundaries. Especially if she feels like, the energy coming towards her, is not an energy that sync with her. Yes she will be there for you, she will listen to you, when you need her to. But she will not let your anger towards a situation, out on her, making her feel like it's her fault. She will stand up for herself and ask for the behaviour she deserves. Not the one you are giving to her.

One thing a lot of people seem to misunderstand and you definitely see this in the equestrian world too. Is when people seeem to think, that High Value mean materialistic high Value. So if you own the newest, most expensive things. Like a pair of really nice riding boots or a very fancy and expensive saddle, you are HV. But just because you have these things, that doesn't automaticlly mean that you are HV. If you still behave badly and always try to push people down and making them feel bad, because they don't have the newest things. Or you get really defensive and blame others for your mistake... Then you are still a LV person. 

A HV woman will still be kind to people, eventhough she might not have new and very expensive things. Because she realize it's the not things that makes you, who you are. It's you actions and your behavior. So eventhough she might be kind, she will still expect respect and not stepping over her boundaries, because she respect herself too much, to be put down by others

She realize she doesn't owe anybody her time! It's something you have to make yourself deserved to get. If you can't, then leave... Don't waste your time and especially, don't waste hers. By trying to pull her down to your low vibration and value, is just making things worse for yourself, because that will never happen. She knows her value and she knows that sometimes you have to say goodbye to people, who cannot see the real value in her.. If you instead can show her, that you are worth her time and effort and you value her as a person. Then she will most likely want you to stay in her life. 


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